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September Parent Newsletter

Staff Writer

Two Rock Union School District

September 17, 2021

Two Rock News

The music program at Two Rock will start in approximately two weeks. The music program was suspended last school year due to the pandemic. Mr. Paul Rodriguez, the instructor will teach music to each class one day a week. Each class is 30 minutes long.

Parent Volunteers

Two Rock will begin asking for parent volunteers in the upcoming weeks. The requirements for a parent volunteer are; must be vaccinated COVID-19 and show verification, masking, and TB test. More information will be provided later this month. If you have any questions, please contact me at

Cardboard Challenge

Friday October 1, 2021 Two Rock will hold its cardboard challenge. Students will together and use problem solving skills to create a Cardboard Arcade.

Mask Guidelines

The Sonoma County Department of Public Health and Sonoma County Office of Education strongly recommends students and school employees wear masks outdoors. Two Rock teachers, staff and I will encourage students to wear masks outdoors. Teachers will offer mask breaks throughout the day. The site has many spare masks available for students should a mask become dirty or wet.

Updated Masking Guiding. 9.1.21 CDPH Guidance Students should have a cloth or two ply mask as described in the guidelines. Each teacher is supplied with masks should a student lose or forget their masks. Gaiters and bandanas are not acceptable face coverings.

Coast Guard Liaison

Ashley Inman has graciously volunteered to be the liaison between Coast Guard families and Two Rock School. Ashley’s contact information

COVID-19 Testing for Students

Student COVID-19 tests have begun in all grades. Each Tuesday a student group (TKK-2 and 3-6) tests for COVID-19. Parents may still sign their child up using the parent consent for below. The Sonoma County Department of Public Health recommends COVID-19 testing for school employees and students. Sonoma County Office of Public Health recommends that students are testing for COVID-19 regularly. Two Rock will offer and provide COVID-19 testing for students at school at bi-weekly intervals. The testing is done through Color, a state of California sponsored testing platform. Color Testing Information. Color is used widely throughout school districts in the county. There is no cost to the family for testing. However, parents must consent to having their child tested at the school site. It will be done by class and in most cases done by the student. Students in TKK may have an adult assist with the swabbing of the nose to complete the test. Parents must use the online consent form to consent for testing. Use the link below to fill out the consent form.

It is the goal of Two Rock Elementary School to keep the school free of COVID-19 and take all the necessary precautions to prevent infections.

Students will follow appropriate hygiene guidelines such as washing hands when entering their classroom, hand sanitizing stations are located in several locations on the campus. Please have your child bring a refillable water bottle, there are three refilling stations located on the campus to fill with water. Drinking fountains will not be operable at the start of school.

Please Review the Exposure and Quarantine Chart on the link below. It contains important information concerning when to quarantine and not for students.

Two Rock Elementary School Schedule

8:15 Playground open

8:30 School Starts

10:10 -10:30 Recess

12:00- 12:40 Lunch Recess

2:00 TK/K Dismissal M-T-TH-F

3:00 Grades 1-6 M-T-TH-F

Wednesday 1:45 Dismissal Whole School

Friday Folders

When necessary a green folder will be sent home with the oldest sibling containing important school information and upcoming events.

Upcoming Events

October 4-8: Fall Conference Week

All students dismissed at 12pm


LCAP Goals

  1. All students will be proficient in grade level standards.

  2. Parents will be provided with appropriate opportunities to be involved in the students’ education.

  3. Provide a safe, secure, environment for students.

  4. Students will be engaged in their learning in order to be successful.

Parent Resources:

New Students Counseling Group at Two Rock

Hello Parents!

Every year, our counselors offer a support group for our new students here at Two Rock.

This group involves learning social skills through games and art projects.

If you or your children are interested, please let us know!

Our group will start in the middle of October and will run for about 6-8 weeks.


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