Before School Childcare
We are proud to offer a before school childcare program for students who attend Two Rock School. Our program provides supervised care on our campus at a very reasonable price. Low hourly charges are designed to simply cover the costs of the program. The following information provides the details of the program. If you have any questions please telephone our office at (707) 762-6617.
The Program
Before School Care-Children read, draw, play board games, etc. in the classroom. At 8:15 the children go to the playground and participate in “before school recess”. After School Care- During the first hour the children have snack time and play time. During the second and third hours the children do homework, read, draw, play games, listen to music, watch videos, etc.
Hours of Operation
Before school care operates from 7:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
Registration Procedures
Completion of a one page registration form is necessary to register a child for childcare. This is essential information and needs to be updated whenever there is a change in any of the information listed. Please call or visit the front office for registration form.
Fee Schedule
Before School Care is a flat rate charge per child per morning. You will be billed at the end of each month. Payment will be due by the 15th of the following month. For billing questions, please contact the office by phone at 762-6617 or by email sdaugherty@trusd.org.
$3.75 per day per child
Returned Checks
A late charge of $15.00 will be charged for any returned checks. You will then be asked to pay in cash.
Sign In / Sign Out
State law requires that upon arrival and pickup your child is signed in and signed out. If someone different is scheduled to pick up your child we will need to know that information in advance and we will require that person to show identification.
The childcare program will maintain the same behavioral rules and expectations as the regular school program. A child who creates a problem during childcare will be asked to sit away from the group for a “time out”. More significant discipline issues will be handled by the school administrator.
Please feel free to discuss with childcare staff any issues or problems impacting your child. It is helpful for the staff to know if something unusual is happening in your child’s life.
Updating Personal Information
It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the childcare staff immediately of any changes in the information in your child’s records. In case of an emergency we have to know how to reach you or the designated alternate person.
Parents’ Rights
Please feel free to visit and observe the childcare center at any time. Your input is always appreciated.