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Family Newsletter

Staff Writer

Two Rock Union

School District

February11, 2022


Two Rock Elementary School was awarded the designation of Purple Star School. This is the inaugural award; only 32 schools in the state of California were awarded the Purple Star Designation. Purple Star Schools are committed and equipped to meet the needs of military connected students and families. California Purple Star School Designation Program (Purple Star Program) seeks to reduce the burden on military-connected students and their families by articulating the most critical transition supports for military-connected students and their families by publicly designating schools that meet certain requirements. Two Rock offers student enrichment in areas of outdoor education, yoga, legos, garden club; interventions in math and reading, counseling service for students, and rich learning environments for all students who attend Two Rock Elementary School.


Getting vaccinated Sonoma County Vaccine Information and wearing a mask are some of the best ways to protect yourself and others.

● Get tested Sonoma County COVID-19

testing information

● Stay home if sick

COVID-19 Testing for Students

COVID-19 testing is an effective way to help prevent the spread of the virus. In thelast two weeks leading up to Winter Break three students tested positive for COVID-19. I strongly encourage families to sign up for the COLOR PCR TESTING Platform for COVID-19 if they have not yet done so. There is no cost to the families, students test on campus regularly or if a student tests positive in their class. Students who test may be placed on modified quarantine and continue to attend school with negative

COVID-19 test results. Parent Consent for COVID-19 Testing


On Wednesday February 16, 2022 Sonoma County will rescind many mask requirements for indoors use. However, this new order does not include schools. All students in the state of California will still be required to wear a mask. This link Order of the Health Officer (Feb 9, 22 contains information for the new masking guidelines.


Please bring your child to school prior to 8:30. It is disruptive to the class when a student arrives late. When students arrive late, they may miss out on important information.

Parent Volunteers

Parents may volunteer in a class by completing the The Rock Elementary SchoolVolunteer Application Form and the Vaccination Verification or Consent to Testing Form. All volunteers must wear a mask while on campus and verify COVID-19 vaccination status or provide a negative testresult taken no more than 72 hours prior to volunteering. All volunteers must have a TBscreen from a medical official. Two Rock has a nurse who can provide the TB assessment at the school. Call the office for dates when the nurse is on campus. Forms can be picked up in the main office.

Parent LCAP Advisory Committee Member

We are looking for a parent to participate in in the LCAP Advisory Committee. The committee provides important input on the District’s budget and educational programs. The meeting dates are the third Thursday of each month. All we need is one or two parents for the committee. Please contact the main office if interested.

Upcoming Events In February

Lincoln’s Birthday Observed - February 14, 2022 No School

Presidents Day - February 21, 2022 No School

LCAP Parent Advisory Meeting - February 17, 2022 at 3:15 PM at the Staff Lounge


LCAP Goals

1. All students will be proficient in

grade level standards.

2. Parents will be provided with

appropriate opportunities to be

involved in the students’ education.

3. Provide a safe, secure, environment

for students.

4. Students will be engaged in their

learning in order to be successful.



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