December/January News
Holiday traditions are important and there are many ways to celebrate with family and friends safely and protect your health. The CDC and CDPH offer tips to enjoy a safe and healthy Holiday Season and minimize the risk of COVID-19 among family and friends.
Getting vaccinated Sonoma County Vaccine Information and wearing a mask are some of the best ways to protect yourself and others.
Get tested Sonoma County COVID-19 testing information
Stay home if sick
If you travel visit CDC’s Travel tips.
Students were sent home with iHelath antigen testing kits. These kits are to be used to test your child before returning to school on January 4, 2022. There are two tests in the packet, test on January 1, 2022 and January 3, 2022 before students come to school.
Reminder for Returning To School in January.
Students should be tested for COVID-19 before returning to school on January 4, 2022.
All students and school staff are required to wears masks at school
If a child is sick or has COVID-19 symptoms, your child needs to remain at home until symptoms clear or a negative COVID-19 test.
Test results are valid only when conducted at a school site, clinic, lab or medical provider.
COVID-19 Testing for Students
COVID-19 testing is an effective way to help prevent the spread of the virus. In the last two weeks leading up to Winter Break three students tested positive for COVID-19. I strongly encourage families to sign up for the COLOR PCR TESTING Platform for COVID-19 if they have not yet done so. There is no cost to the families, students test on campus regularly or if a student tests positive in their class. Students who test may be placed on modified quarantine and continue to attend school with negative COVID-19 test results.
Each Tuesday a student group (TKK-2 and 3-6) tests for COVID-19. Parents may still sign their child up using the parent consent for below. The Sonoma County Department of Public Health recommends COVID-19 testing for school employees and students. Sonoma County Office of Public Health recommends that students are testing for COVID-19 regularly. Two Rock will offer and provide COVID-19 testing for students at school at bi-weekly intervals. The testing is done through Color, a state of California sponsored testing platform. Color Testing Information. Color is used widely throughout school districts in the county. There is no cost to the family for testing. However, parents must consent to having their child tested at the school site. It will be done by class and in most cases done by the student. Students in TKK may have an adult assist with the swabbing of the nose to complete the test. Parents must use the online consent form to consent for testing. Use the link below to fill out the consent form.
Reading Over the Holidays
Studies have shown that students who read for pleasure have a big difference in their educational performance. In fact reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic backgrounds. Below are links containing suggestions for books for students.
Two Rock continues to offer COVID-19 PCR testing on Tuesdays for participating students. COVID-19 PCR tests are covered by the state of California.
Please note, guidance now allows the use of both antigen (rapid test) and PCR tests regardless of symptoms. Home tests are not allowed.
Pediatric Vaccine Availability Throughout Sonoma County at No Cost to Families
Pediatric vaccination clinics for students age 5 - 11 1. Information about the clinics can be found in the Pediatric Vaccine Clinic link. Information is in English and Spanish. Vaccination status does not affect students for either full quarantine or modified quarantine. The clinics are held after school to avoid missing instructional time during the school day.
When we return to school in January, let’s make a positive New Year’s Resolution and be on time each day.
Independent Study
For families who leave for an extended period during the holidays, please contact your child’s teacher or Mariela Lozano in the front office for an independent study packet. It is important that students maintain an academic routine while away from school for an extended period and the school receives important attendance dollars if a child completes the independent study packet.
Parent Volunteers
Parents may volunteer in a class by completing the The Rock Elementary School Volunteer Application Form and the Vaccination Verification or Consent to Testing Form. All volunteers must wear a mask while on campus and verify COVID-19 vaccination status or provide a negative test result taken no more than 72 hours prior to volunteering. All volunteers must have a TB screen from a medical official. Two Rock has a nurse who can provide the TB assessment at the school. Call the office for dates when the nurse is on campus. Forms can be picked up in the main office.
Parent LCAP Advisory Committee Member
We are looking for a parent to participate in in the LCAP Advisory Committee. The committee provides important input on the District’s budget and educational programs. The meeting dates are the third Thursday of each month. All we need is one or two parents for the committee. Please contact the main office if interested.
Lost and Found
All lost and found items will be taken to a donation center unless claimed within the first week of school upon return on january 4th 2022. Items are hanging outside of the office or room 4 on the hooks.
Upcoming Events In January Antigen at Home Testing 1st test January 1 & 2nd test January 3. Return to School - January 4, 2022 Winter Break - December 20- January 3, 2022.
LCAP Goals
All students will be proficient in grade level standards.
Parents will be provided with appropriate opportunities to be involved in the students’ education.
Provide a safe, secure, environment for students.
Students will be engaged in their learning in order to be successful.